We're pleased to announce the release of the "Beyond Blue Door" research report. Community Alliance for Accessible Treatment (CAAT), in partnership with other service partners, this study builds on the work of the Blue Door Clinic. The report aims to understand and improve healthcare access for people living with HIV who have limited or no health insurance.

Beyond Blue Door: A research study to reduce knowledge and service gaps for people living with HIV (PLHIV) with precarious or no health insurance coverage. People living with HIV with precarious / no health care experience major barriers in accessing HIV care. This affects both people’s individual health as well as the overall public health response in curbing the H

The Colors of Resilience knowledge transfer Exchange (KTE) Forum, held on April  26th, 2016, provided an opportunity to showcase current research and evidence informed practices on HIV prevention, care and support amongst racialized and newcomer communities, highlighted examples of effective models of integrating research evidence to practice and facilitated dial

Community Champions HIV/AIDS Advocates Mobilization Project (CHAMPS): A CIHR-funded Community-based Research Study (2011 – 2014) Final Report published in 2015 Ethno-racial minorities are at high risk of HIV: Ethno-racial communities represent a growing proportion of Canada’s overall population, and experience higher rates of HIV. Since 2005, immigrants and re

Supporting the supporter research think tank March 2014 Through collaborative partnerships with the CIHR Centre for REACH, Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment and Ontario HIV Treatment Network organized a national research think tank with a goal to share knowledge and regional priorities for addressing the needs of PHA service providers. Held in Toronto on March [