CAAT Presents at CCPH Conference in Houston
In the Spring of 2012, CAAT had opportunities to show-case its work to national and international audiences at different conferences.
On April 18-21, 2012, CAAT was invited to present at the 15th anniversary conference for Community –Campus Partnership for Health (CCPH) in Houston, Texas, USA. The conference’s goal was to nurture a growing network of community-campus partnerships that are working to address different social and health issues, it was well attended by diverse participants were from US, Canada, Africa and Europe. With the conference theme “Community -Campus Partnerships as a Strategy for Social Justice: Where We’ve Been & Where We Need to Go” it spoke directly to CAAT’s work of building equitable partnerships to ensure access and opportunity to services for marginalized populations.
On April 19, CAAT presented at an oral poster session on our poster entitled “Building Capacity and Promoting Access to Knowledge: Experiences from a Critical Learning Circle”. The poster highlighted the experiences and lessons learnt from our innovative community-campus community based research training initiative that created a unique safe environment to facilitate co-learning on research principles, methods and examination of critical social justice issues amongst racialized PHAs, community service providers and nursing students from Ryerson University.
On the last day of the conference, April 21, CAAT conducted a skills building workshop on knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) titled “Communities as Centres of Engagement, Learning & Action: Mobilizing knowledge for action”. It was attended by a diverse group of service providers who service mainly newcomers/refugees, women, children/families and racialized communities.
By the end of the workshop, participants identified challenges that prevent effective community engagement in knowledge translation as well as shared successful strategies and models amongst communities that have aspired to meaningfully involved their target populations. CAAT’s models in championing meaningful engagement of newcomer PHAs were highly regarded as a best practice and inspired participants to attempt to translate similar approaches to their target populations.
The next CCPH conference will take place in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada in June 2013.
See our poster below: