CAAT People: Maureen Owino
With the collective effort and contribution of our funding partners, agency partners, volunteers, research team and staff, CAAT continues to use the tools of training, research, service coordination and advocacy to provide innovative and sustainable programs to promote the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV who face access barriers related to their status.
In our ongoing role as community mobilizer and advocate, CAAT continues to work closely with community and government partners to advocate for the recognition of newcomer and racialized PHAs as priority populations in the upcoming Provincial and Federal AIDS strategies.
As we reflect on 30 years of HIV, CAAT will continue to focus on building the strengths and resiliencies of our community to ensure that the next decade of HIV/AIDS is GIPA driven with well-empowered and strong PHAs taking the lead. We are proud of our work and we look forward to working closely with all of you on the many exciting program initiatives to improve the health and leadership of PHAs.
Maureen Owino
CAAT Program Manager