Status, Access & Health Disparities: Literature Review

A Literature Review Report on Relevant Policies and Programs Affecting People Living with HIV/AIDS who are Immigrants, Refugees or Without Status in Canada (May 2006)

This document focuses on access to services for immigrant, refugee and non-status HIV-positive individuals in Ontario through examination of legislation, regulations and policy relevant to specific areas. The purpose of the document is to identify areas for further development in advocacy aimed at improving the quality of life and Canadian experience for these individuals. It is hoped that the long-term result of this work will be to identify and undertake systemic change in order to address barriers and improve access to services for immigrant, refugee and non-status individuals in Canada.

The paper seeks to examine the legislative and policy structures/systems in the following broad categories:

  • Immigration (including ability to sponsor, Temporary Resident Permits, Medical Inadmissibility and Fees).
  • Health care (including diagnostic, primary care, specialists, provincial health insurance coverage, dental, medication, role of public health).
  • Social Assistance
  • Social (subsidized) housing
  • Education (public and post-secondary)
  • Employment (including access to work permits, Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board)