Our History
Incorporated as a nonpforit organizaiton on Dec 1, 2022, CAAT-Community Alliance for Accessible Treatment is built on the proud legacy of the Committee for Accessible AIDS treatment, that has been at the forefront for advancing care access and empowerment for racialized and newcomer communities living with and impacted by HIV/AIDS since its inception in 1999. Over the last 23 years, through many innovative educational, community mobilization, capacity building, service planning, and community driven research initiatives, the CAAT communities have championed our mission towards building a stigma and discrimination free society where all peoples would be able to achieve their maximum potential, health and well-being.
In 2001, CAAT undertook a groundbreaking collaborative community based action research project: Improving treatment access for PHAs who are immigrants, refugees and without status.(IRN-PHAs) The study documented the challenges faced by these vulnerable PHA groups and engaged stakeholders from various sectors to develop a joint action plan to address these barriers. As a result of the study, several innovative initiatives were developed that continue to this day:
- The HIV Treatment Access Program at the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation that facilitates compassionate access to HIV treatment medications for Immigration, Refugee and Nonstatus PHAs.
- The HIV and Immigration Service Access Training Program based at Regent Park Community Health Centre in Toronto that facilitates provider and PHA skills development on HIV-immigration related issues;
- Providing accessible legal information on HIV and immigration in collaboration with the HIV/AIDS Legal Clinic of Ontario (HALCO)
- A provincial working group on health access for PHAs without full status in Canada.

Over the years , CAAT has played an increasingly important role in advocating and facilitating service access for immigrant, refugee and non-status PHAs. CAAT has hosted skill development forums, community planning sessions, and conducted in-depth policy analysis on issues affecting IRN-PHAs. Recently, CAAT has completed another action research project to explore ways to improve access to mental health services for our target communities and is in the process of engaging our target communities and key partners in knowledge transfer activities.
In 2007, CAAT received operational funding from the AIDS Bureau, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to support its ongoing role in service coordination and community development. In spring 2008, after an extensive consultation and planning process involving its members and key partners, CAAT formalized its governance structure and elected its official Steering Committee to be responsible for the oversight and strategic direction of CAAT. Since 2013, CAAT has been designated by the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care as a provincial resource on HIV and Immigration Issues.
In 2022, after an extensive community engaged consultation and planning process, CAAT decided to register as an independent incorporated non-profit organization to best advance our objectives. And CAAT was incorporated on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2022.